The Dog's Neck
From Shay Kelly MSc Many people are adamantly opposed to using a...
Just like driving a car?
If you are a mature functioning adult like me (haha), how aware are you of all the bits that are involved in driving on a busy road? If...
Teething time; Puppy or land shark?
Human children often explore the world by putting their hands all over everything and depending on their age, sticking it in their...
TDYH NZ Summary
Welcome! Here is a summary of the options TDYH currently offers but you know what? It never hurts to ask, sometimes I can help with...
Stubborn little so n so
Stubborn adjective having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of...
Off lead rushing dog
I quite like dogs. But. The scenario: Two people, three dogs, all on lead, on a street, walking and having a relaxing enjoyable time...
What to expect when you're expecting (me to visit)
When people reach out for help with their dogs, they need support, not judgement. If the door is open to a kinder way to train, -...
Female dogs in season or heat
Instead of writing a whole blog, here's a link to some great information on what you need to know before your female dog's comes in to...
The ripple effect
In March 2022 I was stationery behind a school bus at a roundabout and got rear-ended by the driver behind me who was on their cellphone....
Da heck is this!?
While out walking, Marley spotted something that concerned him. To him, it was a weird thing in a weird place that didn't make sense....
Rewards are...
When it comes to training dogs, the first word that jumps to most minds when we hear "reward" is "treat." Consider thinking of a reward...
Over the Christmas break I was ill for a couple of days. (not pandemic related) While in bed, the animals seemingly knew and thankfully...
Toilet training
Like most things in the dog training world, there are several opinions on how to toilet train. Here are a few general tips. As they...
Puppy class play
The most common reason people attend puppy preschool is for socialisation... But what is socialisation? It's not only dogs being ok with...
Dipping a toe in to sound.
Noises, noises everywhere! This blog has some fantastic info from Eileen Anderson who I came across after reading a brilliant book by...
Where does my dog come from?
You may answer this question with such phrases as "the pet store" or "Kaiapoi" but I mean to take you on a journey with the aim of...
The Mr Whippy Response
Without thinking, instantly and in happiness; The Mr Whippy Response. Mr Whippy and that enchanted tune that plays from the ice cream...
Every body has a body.
I was asked a really thoughtful considerate question, along the lines of "how do I know if my dog likes me?" What a lovely person! Our...
Ewwww Yummy
Coprophagia. That word by itself doesn't seem so bad. But what does it mean? To eat faeces. Yes poop. This blog contains a lot of...
The eyes have it.
Dogs have been with us for thousands of years. They exist because of people and until relatively recently we knew so little about them. ...